


Recent news

Letter to the USA President Joe Biden

International humanitarian law must apply to everyone. We see that some countries (former colonists and Nazis) are aligning themselves with the war criminals. Free Palestine.

Human Rights Award of the CDH HRC

May 27, 2023 will be the official date for the presentation of the annual HUMAN RIGHTS prize awarded jointly to Ms. Khouloud Mokhtari (spouse of imprisoned journalist Soulaimane Raisouni) and the Association Solidarité Féminine founded by the late Aicha Echenna.

Who are we?

The HRC works on several strategic themes, including the defense of human rights, the protection of human rights defenders, the enforcement and effectiveness of human rights laws.

Democratic Organization

We are a democratic organization, independent of any religious, political or partisan authority. Its independence and transparency guarantee its credibility.

Non-Governmental Organization

HRC is an international non-governmental and non-profit organization that defends all human rights: civil, political, economic, social, cultural and linguistic as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Our Activities

Training seminars

HRC-AN regularly offers training sessions for its team members and supporters.

Victim Assistance

HRC-AN uses its resources, skills and experience to defend the rights and dignity of victims and their families.


HRC-AN regularly organizes public discussions which discuss topics related to its activity.


HRC-AN advocates with the competent authorities on the importance of our mission, both in the USA, Canada and Morocco.


HRC-AN develops and organizes actions in collaboration with other organizations of civil society. It also organizes networking activities which consist in creating, expanding and maintaining its network of contacts and partners who share the same values

Study days

HRC-AN organizes study days to reflect on concrete ways of monitoring and evaluating its achievements and to produce reports and studies on human rights.

Our Team

Great people work behind the HRC

Team Image

M Belaid Elbousky


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M. Abdesselam Mejlaoui


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M. Mustapha Chawqui


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M. Mohamed El Ghazali


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M. Idar El Hassouni


Become a volunteer

Let's make a difference in the lives of others

The goal is to help as many people as possible, and in priority political prisoners. As a volunteer, you will help staff with basic tasks.

Contact Us

For your questions and suggestions, contact us
