


Our Activities

Recent news and updates

Human Rights Award of the CDH HRC

May 27, 2023 will be the official date for the presentation of the annual HUMAN RIGHTS prize awarded jointly to Ms. Khouloud Mokhtari (spouse of imprisoned journalist Soulaimane Raisouni) and the Association Solidarité Féminine founded by the late Aicha Echenna.
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World Press Freedom Day

Freedom of the press is a fundamental right that should be enjoyed by all, and arbitrary arrests and convictions should not be a means of suppressing this right.
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Free Moroccan Political Priosoners

Appeal to national and international public opinion to support the campaign for the release of political prisoners journalists and social movement activists in Morocco
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Call for the abolition of the death penalty in the USA

We call for mobilization for the abolition of the death penalty in the USA and the immediate cessation of executions in progress (6 since the beginning of 2023) at the same time, we fight for the abolition of the death penalty in the other countries which have not yet abolished it
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Letter to the USA President Joe Biden

International humanitarian law must apply to everyone. We see that some countries (former colonists and Nazis) are aligning themselves with the war criminals. Free Palestine.
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Human rights mechanisms at the international and regional levels

Legal background Human rights movement Advocacy with human rights bodies Resources available for HR organizations
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